Scientific activities

The Department of Whole Vehicle Engineering was founded on the 1st July 2013 as the fourth Department of the AUDI Hungaria Vehicle Engineering Department Group in the frame of cooperation between Széchenyi István University and AUDI Hungaria Motor Ltd. The main goal of the founding was to promote the high-profile qualification of vehicle engineers and, at the same time, initiate new research areas and industrial cooperation in the field of vehicle development.    

The requirements on the premium carmakers have gone through elementary changes over the past few years. The individuality, durability and the diversity and complexity evocated by the technological innovations on one side, and the adaptation to the megatrends dictated from the changing customer and market demands on the other side, are all together raising new aspects and challenging requirements in the automotive research and development areas.

With the founding of the new department we aim to advance the qualification of engineers in the following areas:

  • consequent optimisation of technologies with the aid of computational simulations and advanced optimisation methodologies
  • development, research and exploration of new fields and strategies in vehicle fuel efficiency, so called energy management
  • development of innovative technologies in field of vehicle acoustics/NVH

Courses offered in the 2013/2014 academic year, spring semester:

  1. Main elements of whole vehicle engineering (in German)
  2. Vehicle acoustics (in German and Hungarian)
  3. Numerical fluid mechanics (in German and Hungarian)
  4. Sustainable quality management (in German)

Education Information
